Veröffentlichungen / Publications von/by Stuart Savory.

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Book cover. Several textbooks about Artificial Intelligence, including:-
Expert Systems for the Professional, Stuart E. Savory, in Ellis Horwood Press, 1988, ISBN 0-13-296583-6 (in english)
Expert Systems in the Organisation, Stuart E. Savory, in Ellis Horwood Press, 1988, ISBN 0-7458-0366-0 (in english)
Expertensysteme. Nutzen für Ihr Unternehmen, Stuart E. Savory, in Oldenbourg Verlag, 1989, ISBN 3-486-21275-3
Grundlagen von Expertensystemen, , Stuart E. Savory , in Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1988, ISBN 3-486-20757-1
Künstliche Intelligenz & Expertensysteme, Stuart E. Savory, in Oldenbourg Verlag, 1985, ISBN 3-486-29281-1
Sowie eine Liste von über 50 Papieren, 36 allein über Künstliche Intelligenz, aber das IST langweilig!
And over 50 technical papers in refereed journals, 36 about Artificial Intelligence alone, but that IS boring ;-)
Book cover Howl of the Mountain King (in english)
Stuart Savory, published 1991, in Bulldog Verlag. Read the Publisher's Blurb here.

--- a novel for motorcyclists ; Send 10 Euro and I will post you a copy, OK ;-)

Most recent : "Pocket Enigma : The Review",
Dr. Stuart Savory, in Cryptologia, Volume XXVIII, Number 1, January 2004.

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